
A collection of opinionated Backbone.Marionette extensions for large scale application architecture.


ViewEventsMixin is a private mixin for App and Component. It allows the view’s events to be handled by its parent.

Documentation Index

Explicit View Event Listeners

To call specific functions on event triggers, use the viewEvents attribute to map view events to methods on the app or component.

const MyView = Mn.View.extend({
  triggers: {
    'click': 'click:view'

const MyApp = Toolkit.App.extend({
  region: '#app-hook',

  viewEvents: {
    'click:view': 'stop'

  onStart() {

  onStop() {
    console.log('MyApp was stopped');

const myApp = new MyApp();

myApp.start{ view: new MyView() }();

Attaching Functions

The viewEvents attribute can also attach functions directly to be event handlers:

viewEvents: {
  'click:view'(view) {
     console.log(`View ${ view.cid } stopped the app!');

Triggering Events on View Events

A viewTriggers hash or method permits proxying of view events without manually setting bindings. The values of the hash should be a string of the event to trigger on the app or component.

viewTriggers is sugar on top of viewEvents much in the same way that View triggers are sugar for View events.

// The view fires a custom event, `foo:event`
const ComponentView = View.extend({

  // Events hash defines local event handlers that in turn may call `triggerMethod`.
  events: {
    'click .button': 'onClickButton'

  triggers: {
    'submit form': 'submit:form'

  onClickButton() {
    // Both `trigger` and `triggerMethod` events will be caught by the component.
    this.trigger('foo:event', 'foo');
    this.triggerMethod('foo:event', 'bar');

// The component uses viewEvents to catch the view's custom event
const MyComponent = Toolkit.Component.extend({
  ViewClass: ComponentView,

  viewTriggers: {
    'foo:event': 'view:foo:event',
    'submit:form': 'view:submit:form'

  onViewFooEvent(message) {
    console.log('A view fired foo:event with ' + message);

  onViewSubmitForm(view) {
    console.log('A view fired submit:form');


viewEventPrefix is false by default.

You can customize the event prefix for events that are forwarded through the app or component. To do this, set the viewEventPrefix. For more information on the viewEventPrefix see “view:*” event bubbling from the app and component view

const MyApp = Toolkit.App.extend({
  viewEventPrefix: 'some:prefix'

const myApp = new MyApp();

myApp.start({ view: new MyView() });

myApp.on('some:prefix:render', function(){
  // view was rendered

// view will be rendered on show

The viewEventPrefix can be provided in the app or component definition or by passing as an option when instantiating an instance.

view:* event bubbling from the app and component view

When the current view within a component or app triggers an event, if the app or component has a defined viewEventPrefix that event will bubble up through the component with the viewEventPrefix prepended to the event name. Override the prefix by setting viewEventPrefix.

That is if a view has a viewEventPrefix of “view”, when a current view triggers “event:name”, the app or component will then trigger “view:event:name” on itself.

const MyView = View.extend({
  triggers: {
    'click button': 'click:button'

// get the collection view in place
const myComponent = new Toolkit.Component(null, {
  viewEventPrefix: 'view',

  ViewClass: MyView,

  onViewClickButton: function(view, ...args) {
    console.log('I said, "button clicked!"');

myComponent.on('view:click:button', function(view, ...args){
  console.log("My component said, 'button clicked!'");

Now, whenever the button inside the view is clicked, both messages will log to the console.